
Saturday, 13 November 2010

Epic fun

Dragon's Age is finally completed and I am back at the painting table. I simply haven't been bothered to update this recently but here we go...

Picked up another 2 Epic scale Warhounds from Forgeworld recently and I've got round to starting to paint them. I've been struggling on coming up with a suitable impressive paint scheme for my Titan Legion, but figured as warhounds are basically scout titans, they would want to at least attempt to blend in with their surroundings (as ridiculous as that sounds...). I'm therefore going, with the warhounds at least, for a similar paint scheme as the rest of my epic IG army, namely a dirty desert yellow colour:

Just WIP at the minute

I also recently sold the majority of my Epic scale Chimeras on ebay and replaced them with the slightly smaller Forgeworld variant. These are actually finished now but here's a WIP picture:

Here we have 4 Forgeworld Valkyries and accompanying storm troopers. I've had these for several years now and simply haven't got around to painting them:




And finally, a quick shot of my recently "dipped" hormagaunts/Hive guard. Yes, the nids are still getting some love, and I'm due to butcher my trygon and mawloc models by dipping them in the next few days. I only wish I could paint them to a standard that does such lovely models justice...




  1. ahh... good old epic...

    Your stuff is looking good AK,

    I might get round to Finishing my marines one day, I've not that much to do really,

    question about the nids though the hive guard are they the previous versions? I wasn't really into the previous codex,

  2. Thanks Ant-I haven't played Epic in a few years but figured it would be good to have it all painted up should the opportunity arise.

    I put hive guard, but I meant "tyrant guard" - they are the ones currently available in the shops. They are a little bit too small for my liking and if one could be bothered, better ones could probably be made using plastic warriors.
