Happy new year to you all!
Looking back, 2011 was an interesting year from a war gaming perspective for me. The behemoth that is the Warhammer universe was put on something of a back burner with only game of 40k played all year. My focus instead was on the smaller scale of thing, both with Epic from a painting perspective, and with Flames of War which occupied me for the majority of it.
So what does 2012 hold projects wise?
Flames of War US Airborne - this will probably expand into a full on US infantry and tank force once plastic soldier company releases the relevant plastics.
Flames of War Panzergrenadier force - I picked up a box of late war german infantry from Boyes in York (by plastic soldier company) and will be expanding these with the SKD's that they do at some point.
Warhammer Fantasy - yes, you read that right. I have a large amount of half-painted Empire that I intend to finally finish off and I will be giving 8th edition a pop.
Warhammer 40k - I'll be finishing off my leman russ and three half-painted super-heavies over the coming year. I will also hopefully go back to my scratch-built titans and finish them off. Then when 6th edition is released I will hopefully be in a good position.
Dystopian Wars - once the mrs gets back to back from maternity leave and the money situation improves I intend to pick up a small force for this.
I hope the forthcoming year is a good one for you all!