Why you ask? Well, any background where the South wins the American Civil War usually intrigues me (I'm a big civil war buff-I even used to dress up and fire cannons) and combine this with 15mm gaming (which thanks to Epic, I love) a bit of naval/space combat (again, specialist games-BFG) then I'm sold...
So I've picked up an FSA starter fleet and will expand it to 800 points in due course.

So what does this mean for my other gaming systems? I'm still "into" warmachine and am hastily painting up my menoth. Ive recently expanded it to at least 35 points and possibly a bit more if I am not fussy about composition. I've also started gluing my Khador together. I'm working on my Teutogen Guard for my Empire and with 6th Ed 40k making more of an appearance at the club, then I've got several k of Imperial Guard already painted up, so no worries on that front :)
More soon :)