
Friday, 31 August 2012

Whoops! I did it again...

Yeah, I need another gaming system like I need a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head. Nevertheless with an upcoming birthday and the influx of funds that seems to bring (despite being in my 30's) (not that I'm complaining) I decided to pick up some Dystopian Wars.

Why you ask? Well, any background where the South wins the American Civil War usually intrigues me (I'm a big civil war buff-I even used to dress up and fire cannons) and combine this with 15mm gaming (which thanks to Epic, I love) a bit of naval/space combat (again, specialist games-BFG) then I'm sold...

So I've picked up an FSA starter fleet and will expand it to 800 points in due course.

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So what does this mean for my other gaming systems? I'm still "into" warmachine and am hastily painting up my menoth. Ive recently expanded it to at least 35 points and possibly a bit more if I am not fussy about composition. I've also started gluing my Khador together.  I'm working on my Teutogen Guard for my Empire and with 6th Ed 40k making more of an appearance at the club, then I've got several k of Imperial Guard already painted up, so no worries on that front :)

More soon :)

Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Three Brothers Grim(m)

Since my last blog post I've only managed to get one game of warmachine in, this time against Ben and his Skorne in a 20 point game.  It was a tough game and I made a few errors, mainly in the initial deployment of my cinerators.  Now cinerators generally get a lot of bad press compared to say Bastions, but I ended up using them as a bodyguard for Kreoss, and they performed that role very well, holding up Ben for some time before he was finally able to get enough firepower to create a hole and rip Kreoss a new one.

Anyhow, in between trips to the olympics, taking care of the boy and both me & the mrs starting new jobs, I've finally got some more painting done and I present to you my finished warjacks.  I have attempted to paint these in the same fashion as here which as anyone who has seen my painting style of base colours then devlan mud/badab black, will know, is quite a departure. So whilst they are a bit rough and by no means "pro-painted" overall I am reasonably happy with how they look.

The Three Brothers
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As always, any comments/criticisms are welcome :)

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Warmachine fever

So maybe that's a slight overstatement but these last few weeks I've been getting in to warmachine pretty much to the exclusion of everything else gaming wise. 

Played my first game with Mark who talked me through the rules (and very kindly let me win) two weeks ago and am set to test myself again tonight.  The aim is not to get my caster assassinated in the first two turns :D

I'm not really big into tournaments as, with the Warhammer games I have always been about creating a "fluffy" list and not picking the latest internet cookie-cutter list (although ironically my 4th edition mech guard ended up being just such a list in 5th edition), however with Warmachine the intention of the game is to be as dirty as possible, so I can roll with that, and will be aiming to make a tournament or two in the future. 

My initial objective is to get a painted list ready for a tournament being run at my old stomping ground in Leicester in November. Whether or not I end up attending is another matter but it helps to have an objective to aim towards.

Well enough waffle - first model finished - eKreoss

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Next up will be three warjacks...