
Thursday, 20 June 2013

More Smurfs!!

The smurf painting mojo continues for the time being whilst I await my Bolt Action goodies (and War Torn). The wife has been moaning about the amount of models I have still on sprue so having learnt the lesson of selling stuff only to regret it, I have instead decided to glue, paint and shove in a case for future usage (or not).

So without further ado - three dreadnoughts with interchangeable weapons (I think the newest kit has more options but these are from 04/05)

 photo E50E0605-BB8C-44A3-BA25-C4355DC7F690-21977-0000103F04043E3B_zps010ad16e.jpg

 photo 103FB3A1-EABC-47EA-9093-9DFF44824053-21977-0000103F179B22A9_zps85f82770.jpg

 photo 67B1C781-2A39-4633-BA6D-0CCC68C1CE9B-21977-0000103F4A801058_zps559fdf47.jpg

 photo A77E683F-B6D2-4C7A-A476-E09BDBCB4019-21977-0000103F755E45C9_zps863884b1.jpg

 photo AF9263A2-6EED-4A6B-BB54-BB93998CB92C-21977-0000103F9E150176_zps072833e8.jpg

 photo 317106FB-79CC-4EB1-A446-3519FD2C4C2D-21977-0000103FB2D4C00E_zps5785e036.jpg

(FWIW all symbols are free hand not transfers.)

Comments and criticisms are always appreciated :)


  1. Good work so far tho I would put a few edging highlights on the model. The free hand symbols are real nice and if you hadn't said anything i would have thought they were transfers.
    Did you magnetise the weapon arms? Also good work on the spotlight lens, most end to just leave them blank (myself included).

  2. Cheers-I did originally edge highlight (like my troops) but I didnt like how it looked so drybrushed instead. The camera doesnt show it that well.

    Ironically the camera also doesnt show how bad the symbols look in real life :)

    Not magnetised - just used the plugs as standard, although I may end up magnetising down the line.

  3. ALL THE BLUE!!!

    Nice work. As for the symbols, do you have a method for painting them? As I have a good free hand method for the Ultramarine 'U' symbol that ends up with a much more even symbol. I'd be happy to share if you want? (in fact I may make a post out of it when I paint my new Dreadnought Autocanon arms)
    To be fair with the Dreadnought arms you don't need magnets. As the plugs work fine and even if you get the forge world arms which have slightly larger holes you can easily sort it with some green stuff.

  4. Cheers. I do a grey blob, add the tab bits then do it in white, then kind of paint the middle bit blue. Not too difficult to do. Would be interested to see how you do yours.
