It has been a busy few months what with my work load increasing quicker than expected after moving into a new area of law (same firm), running, an old friends wedding and just generally spending time with the boy/family including a great holiday in Cornwall (I even got some surfing in-yay!).
So what have I been up to?
I've glued together all of my 1st wave Deadzone models. The plan had been to paint them all but the sheer amount of getting rid of mold lines sadly sapped the mojo on those.
In March/April we started a dystopian wars campaign at the local club which got me into a DW frenzy in the run up to version 2. I was lucky enough to pick up a decent priced copy from Wayland Games - it's an awesome starter set and worth the money. Since then I've expanded my FSA massively with a few choice purchases from a few stores selling off boxes at discount prices. I have a huge backlog I'm working my way through.

I'm focusing on the air ships a bit more as think they suit brighter colours more. Here's a WIP shot of one of them.

X-wing has also had me spending my hard earned pennies but I've not played it enough. I did repaint the rebel transport to make it look a little different though. I also have the Correllian Corvette-awesome looking model and cant wait to try it out!

I picked up some infinity models. These are going to sit on the back burner for now but will probably do something when 3rd edition comes out - I'm a sucker for starter sets so may go with one of those forces instead.

And finally, for some reason, when summer rolls around, I seem to hanker after Warmachine. I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I love the solidness of the rules but I hate the learning curve. Nevertheless it's a game I am determined to keep plugging away at. I picked up some more Menoth from a chap at the club who was selling his off to add to my force and I will be painting those up soon - I am aiming for full faction with these. I also picked up some more Circle models including the Woldwrath whilst on holiday from the Troll Trader in Truro - the aim is to get the force ready for Blood & Oil in November. I've said that before though, so lets see how that works out...

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